New Critical Incursions into Caribbean Colonial Studies: Ecocriticism


  • Patricia Ferrer Medina Marist College


Ecological difference, Colonial Caribbean, Taíno, Ramón Pané, Ecocriticism


The article begins by defining the field of ecological criticism as it has developed in North America by identifying characteristics, methodologies and the possibilities of this kind of analysis, which points towards an interdisciplinary reconfiguration of literary studies. Throughout the text the political charge of the theory and its parallelisms to critiques of capitalism and modernity are underlined. In addition, the paper emphasizes its anglocentrism and overvaluing of specific genres calling for more openness in the interpretation of any cultural production. As an example of an ecocritical analysis, the concept of ecological difference as a marker of difference within the racial discourse of late 15th and through the 16th century is discussed in Ramón Pané, Relation of the Antiquities of the Indians, 1498. The discussion demonstrates the usefulness of the use of ecological difference as a fourth category of analysis alongside gender, race/ethnicity, and class.


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How to Cite

Ferrer Medina, P. (2012). New Critical Incursions into Caribbean Colonial Studies: Ecocriticism. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 13(2), 91–112. Retrieved from


