Colonialism Here and There:

Colonialism Here and There: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Colonial Studies Across Cultural Borders.


  • Gustavo Verdesio University of Michigan


Uruguay, Colonial period, Colonial studies, Settler colonialism, Coloniality of power


In this paper I attempt a few things. First, to understand the reasons behind Uruguay’s and Uruguayans’ lack of interest in both the colonial era and indigenous issues. Second, I seek to explore the theoretical and crtical potential of two constructs: coloniality of power and settler colonialism. The idea is to inquire about their reach and limitations without having to choose between the two. Third, I offer a history, and advance an assessment of, the so-called "New Paradigm" in colonial Latin American studies originated in literature and language programs in the USA. At the end of the paper I propose possible ways to further the changes that said paradigm brought to the field of colonial Latin American studies.


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How to Cite

Verdesio, G. . (2012). Colonialism Here and There:: Colonialism Here and There: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Colonial Studies Across Cultural Borders. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 13(2), 175–191. Retrieved from


