Open to mystery: "The 201" by Luisa Valenzuela.


  • Sandra Bianchi Escritora y crítica independiente


Fantasy, Ominous, Series, Silence


When perusing Luisa Valenzuela's broad work, the reader can trace the central lines of the texts, the relationship among them and the differences and similarities between her earlier writings of past decades and her current production.
This paper provides an overview of her microfictions, the treatment of temporality and uncertainty, the last one as a trigger mechanism. It also analyses the writing of "Serie 201", a set of short texts that displays an ominous treatment in a Freudian sense intertwined with traits of the fantastic genre.


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How to Cite

Bianchi, S. (2011). Open to mystery: "The 201" by Luisa Valenzuela. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 12(2), 45–54. Retrieved from


