The networks of peripheral intellectuals between 1920 and 1940.

Attempt at a mapping and a theoretical approach.


  • Eduardo Devés-Valdés IDEA, Universidad Nacional de Santiago


International intellectual networks, Pan-Asian, Pan-Africanism, Pan-Islamism, Latin Americanism


This paper is about understanding the following problem: how intellectual networks were established in various parts of the periphery and how they articulated with each other, becoming agents of the meta-nationals spaces (beyond the nation-state) and trying to even have a presence in global space. The aim of this paper is to study intellectual networks in peripheral regions during the interwar period. The specific objectives, in turn, are: first, to map the most prominent intellectual networks in each of the 7 environments intellectuals of peripheral regions in the period between the two world wars. These are the Spanish-American space, the Islamic South-Saharan Africa and Afro-descendants, the pan-Asiatic second generation, the nationalist Indian subcontinent, the Slav-Balkan-Euro-Asian and Indonesian space and secondly, these instances show the connections between intellectual networks in these sub-spaces, which will be referred to the key figures, publications, institutions, meetings and eidetic factors that met joint function. Finally we conclude with some reflections that tend to connect these networks and their initiatives to the needs of thinking these same issues in the present.


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How to Cite

Devés-Valdés, E. (2011). The networks of peripheral intellectuals between 1920 and 1940.: Attempt at a mapping and a theoretical approach. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 12(1), 89–105. Retrieved from


