Notes for a feminist memory: towards a literature of us


  • Fernanda Laguna Colectivo Ni Una Menos
  • Cecilia Palmeiro Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, New York University in Buenos Aires, Colectivo Ni Una Menos



Herstory, Collective memory, Feminist archive, Ni una menos, Feminist tide


Since 2015, with the emergence of the Ni Una Menos (Not One Woman Less) in Argentina, feminisms around the world are experiencing an unprecedented process of popularization, that permeate every aspect of human life. In oceanic demosntrations of hundreds of thousand and even millions, sexuated and feminized bodies started occupying the streets around the world to recclaim the end of vioneces against us, creating a transversal, horizontal and intersectional movement able to confront neoliberalism. We call this movement the global feminits tide.

This paper analyzes the forms in which we can aprehend this experience in the sense of making herstory of the present, departing from the construction of our living-archive “High on the Tide: Diary of a Feminist Revolution”. Here we propose seven provisory thesis on contemporary herstory of the feminist tide and outlines a theory on collective writing.



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How to Cite

Laguna, F. ., & Palmeiro, C. (2021). Notes for a feminist memory: towards a literature of us. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–22.