Performativity: propositions for conceptual stabilization from contemporary Latin American theory


  • Francisco Albornoz Universidad de Chile



Performativity, Performance, definitions, Enrique Dussel, Santiago Castro-Gómez


The contested concepts of Performativity and Performance require an onto-epistemological stabilization. From Latin American theory, this research provides a contemporary overview on the subject. To fulfill its goal, this paper examines the emergence of the concept in philosophy, social sciences, and the arts. Then, some constants are proposed as a genealogical explanation for the lack of a complete, consistent definition of the concepts in the different theoretical traditions where it appears. Finally, propositions are made to consolidate new definitions on the matter. From Enrique Dussel’s work (in dialogue with Karl Marx) the idea of living labor (lebendige Arbeit) will be used as the ontological ground for Performativity. And in Santiago Castro-Gómez interpretation of Foucault, epistemological tools will be found for future understanding/acting.


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How to Cite

Albornoz, F. (2021). Performativity: propositions for conceptual stabilization from contemporary Latin American theory. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (35), 1–31.