Getting out of the "crisis" of meaning and being: contributions and limits of the performative turn for feminism in Colombia


  • Gabriella Serban Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Lettres, Langages et Arts



Performance, Colombia, Drama pos-dramatic, Modernity, Feminism


This article is based on the observation of a historical mismatch between drama and feminism in Colombia, due to a problematic simultaneity that occurred in the 1990s in Colombia. It is the simultaneity between, on the one hand, the appearance of gender issues on the stage and, on the other hand, the critics' impression of a "crisis of meaning" - which we will question. In the face of this tendency of post-dramatic theatre, performative proposals constitute an alternative that re-politicises gender and decolonises theatre. The study of emblematic works (by Santiago García, Fabio Rubiano, Patricia Ariza), leads to the conclusion of a specific relevance of performance to gender issues. However, assigning feminism to a specific art form is unsatisfactory, hence the need to explore alternatives.

Author Biography

Gabriella Serban, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Lettres, Langages et Arts

Gabriella Serban is a research associate at the LLA CREATIS laboratory at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. She holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies and currently teaches at the University Lyon 3, France. Her doctoral thesis, carried out at the University of Toulouse, consisted of a study of the mutations in the representations of masculinities in contemporary Colombian theatre. In 2020, she co-founded the Spanish and French-speaking research network QUETZAL (QUEstions Théâtrales dans la Zone d'Amérique Latine), which aims to bring together and coordinate the various researchers of stage and dramatic writing in Latin America. Finally, she is the director of the Toulouse theatre company "Tilde y Cedilla" which translates and stages Latin American plays.


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How to Cite

Serban, G. (2021). Getting out of the "crisis" of meaning and being: contributions and limits of the performative turn for feminism in Colombia. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (35), 1–16.