Femicide-Suicide and Guilty Masculinities in Réquiem por Teresa by Dante Liano
Dante Liano, Guatemalan Literature, Femicide-Suicide, Gender Violence, MasculinitiesAbstract
The novel Réquiem por Teresa (2019) by Dante Liano is about a femicide-suicide narrated from the perspective of the victim's brother. The homodiegetic, unstable, and drunk narrator of the novel reveals the contradictions of heteropatriarchal thought. This becomes evident when he criticizes gender violence and also because he is a man who exercises violence in a symbolic way. In addition, these contradictions are revealed in his oscillation between the guilt that he feels for having remained at the margin of the aggressions that his sister suffered, and the way he excuses himself for not acting upon the aggressions since he considered that his own masculinity was subordinate to his brother-in-law's. Although self-justification prevails, the same narrator ends up recognizing that the crime against Teresa is everyone's responsibility. Gender violence and the result in a femicide-suicide is not a domestic and individual problem, but a social one.
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