Metafiction as Play: Duchampian Reappropriation and Self-Referentiality in Mario Bellatin’s El Gran Vidrio




Metafiction, Game, Bellatin, Duchamp, Reappropriation


This paper proposes to analyze one of the key novels of Mario Bellatin, El Gran Vidrio (2007), homonymous to Marcel Duchamp’s masterpiece The Big Glass. After an introduction where we present an outline of the interpretational difficulties of Bellatin’s work, following Patricia Waugh’s book (1984) we offer a brief theoretical section on metafiction as game. Basing our analysis on Octavio Paz’s classic essay about the avant-garde artist (1973), we will reveal the principal thematic and structural analogies between text and image, in order to argue later about Bellatin’s method of reappropriation and the metafictional components of his novel. Thus, we will arrive to the last section, dedicated to conclusions, where we explain why El Gran Vidrio is a radical metafiction.


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How to Cite

Báder, P. (2022). Metafiction as Play: Duchampian Reappropriation and Self-Referentiality in Mario Bellatin’s El Gran Vidrio. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (36), 1–21.