Chaos, circus and war. Instruction manual for Ana María Shua’s game




Microfiction, Playful literature, Ana María Shua, Metafiction, Intertextuality


Ana María Shua's microfictions are a recreational space in which the formal and thematic features of the micro-story are squeezed to the limit. Experimentation, play and humor, metafiction and intertextuality are the pieces of a literary board in which, from a playful conception of literature, the author proposes a universe in which nothing is what it seems, the rules exist to be broken them and the reading does not end at the final point. The reader, when facing the author's texts, accepts a series of codes that he must know how to interpret in order, if not to win the game, at least to enjoy all its possibilities.


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How to Cite

Navarro, R. (2022). Chaos, circus and war. Instruction manual for Ana María Shua’s game. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (36), 1–21.