Mater semper certa est? Samples of disruptive maternity, omissions and domains in the narrative of Fernanda Trías, Giovanna Rivero and María José Ferrada




Fernanda Trías, Giovanna Rivero, María José Ferrada, Alternative maternity, Isolated existence


An analysis of three contemporary fictional texts by Hispanic-American female narrators who construct female figures capable of questioning, with their attitudes and vital choices, both the stereotyped models of the feminine and the maternal, as well as the maintenance of the compact tradition of the nuclear family, is proposed. Can the destructuring of the traditional assignments of maternal roles in the family nuclei described in the diegesis be considered as a break with respect to the canonical development of the female self within the framework of mother-child ties? Or, instead, is it a subjective process that concerns individuality and is disconnected from current socio-historical processes? We will try to see how the selected texts swing between an extreme marked by the maternal control of the foreign body, as a practice that intervenes at the anatomical level making the body of the child weak and docile, and another extreme in which the maternal omissions and absences offer the progeny the opportunity to articulate a discourse of "subjective constitution of the self", detached from the inter-generational relational framework.  


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How to Cite

Gatti Riccardi, G. (2022). Mater semper certa est? Samples of disruptive maternity, omissions and domains in the narrative of Fernanda Trías, Giovanna Rivero and María José Ferrada. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (37), 1–24.