Experiment and political experience: the didactic pieces or Lehrstücke of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill
epic theater, Lehrstücke, experimental opera, arts & politics, avant-gardesAbstract
The epic theater created by Bertolt Brecht and, within it, the epic opera and the didactic pieces or Lehrstücke, are a substantial precedent to think about the process of disassembling the opera. This experimentation on the operatic genre began in the context of the avant-gardes, during the first decades of the 20th century. Based on the didactic pieces Der Lindberghflug, by Bertolt Brecht and the composers Kurt Weill and Paul Hindemith, and Der Jasager, by the Brecht-Weill duo, we are interested in reflecting on the intersection between aesthetic experimentation and political experience. Further, we will focus on the link between art and technology that Brecht investigates in the staging of these pieces.
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