Simulate what you already are. Dandyism and bibliophilia in Trance by Alan Pauls




Contemporary dandism, anachronism, contemporary Argentine literature, author carácter


This work is derived from a recently completed doctoral thesis. It studies the constitution of anachronism as a form of contemporary dandyism in Alan Pauls's narrative. In this article, I focus primarily on general critical-theoretical questions regarding the way in which Pauls, by intervening in his autobiographical material, constructs the difference that makes him stand out as a dandy. And, detached from it, I analyze the author characters that populate Trance (Pauls, 2018), his last long-term essay. My hypothesis is that Pauls, by transferring the anachronism of his fiction to the characters responsible for self-figuration by him, not only seeks that they complete and encompass his figure of author, but also that they consolidate the anachronism that founds his literature.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Montiel, E. (2023). Simulate what you already are. Dandyism and bibliophilia in Trance by Alan Pauls. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (39), 1–22.