The Neo-baroque: Critique to Capitalist Modernity




heterogeneity, crease, simulation, Latin America, Caribbean


Based on the philosophical work of Bolivar Echeverría that addresses the baroque and modernity, the neo-baroque of the Cuban writer Severo Sarduy can be read from another place of interpretation, that places him in the Latin American discussions related to modernity. The latter, understood as an expansive civilizing project in its capitalist version, sweeps away with the differences in an attempt to homogenize and unify ways of life. Against this onslaught the diverse and heterogeneous resist to the logic seeking to impose. The neo-baroque as an aesthetic proposal that calls itself revolutionary collects several elements that represent that resistance, one of them is the baroque crease: representative of the heterogeneous and of that which cannot be catched by the unity of capitalist modernity. The aim of this work is to analize sarduyan neo-baroque under the topic of modernity and a particular place of it: Latin American modernity. In this sense, neo-baroque will be understood as an aesthetic-political answer linked to a tradition of Latin American thought and, in a more particular way, Caribbean, where it coincides with the work of intelectuals as Aimé Césaire and Édouard Glissant.


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How to Cite

Barrón Rosas, L. F. (2023). The Neo-baroque: Critique to Capitalist Modernity. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (39), 1–28.