Collectives at the fair, collective fairs

An approach to associations between independent publishers in Argentina




book fairs, independent publishing, associativism, circulation


After the so-called independent publishing boom in Argentina, the professionalization of the sector came with the emergence of shared needs to solve in an articulated way among colleagues: the organization of collective stands at international and official fairs, the co-programming of fairs and events, and the associative modalities of distribution and commercialization. These modes of associativism are presented as relevant because, in various ways, they multiply and (re)create public spaces for the circulation of publications and the meeting with readers.

In this article we record how, for a few years, the landscape of the Buenos Aires International Book Fair has been mutating due to the formation of various collective stands that are sustained from the alliance, occasional or not, between independent publishers. Besides, we analyze the phenomenon of fairs organized by and between independent publishers: the editors attend their own stands –affording expenses according to their economies–, they participate in the programming of the activities, and the public does not pay admission.


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How to Cite

Coppari, L. (2024). Collectives at the fair, collective fairs: An approach to associations between independent publishers in Argentina. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (40), 1–19.