The homage of Eugenio Pucciarelli to Felix Krueger in the First National Congress of Philosophy and Theosophy


  • Francisco García Bazán Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Germanism, Idealism, Medievalism, Mysticism, Theosophy


The present work with which we want to remember and pay tribute to the First National Congress of Philosophy, is composed of three parts. The first is aimed at highlighting the essential importance of the cultivation of philosophy in the construction of culture and the political order of a society and a country, an end taken into account by the managers of the National Congress of Philosophy of 1949, which manifests and ratifies the quality of the organization, the excellence of the majority of the international and national participants of the meeting and the breadth of the topics discussed and discussed in the sessions. The second part focuses on the analysis of the content of a literary discovery, Eugenio Pucciarelli's tribute speech to the psychologist and thinker Félix Krueger who taught in Argentina for less than five years, to return to Germany later to occupy his chair in Leipzig. In third place, an excerpt from the book by Krueger selected in Pucciarelli's intervention: The dimension in depth and the contrasts of the emotional life, opens an unexpected aspect of medieval and modern German thought and allows to ratify the importance of outstanding German theosophy in Jacob Böhme - with background in Master Eckhart, the Abbot Trithemio and Nicholas of Cusa - in the deep influence subsequent to Luther of the Silesian thinker or philosophus teutonicus within the pious currents and the intellectual agreements and polemics with G. Hegel, F. Schelling and F.J. von Baader.

Author Biography

Francisco García Bazán, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

El autor es Doctor en Filosofía e Investigador Superior ad Honorem del CONICET. Dirige la Sección de Filosofía e Historia de las Religiones de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires como académico titular. Ha publicado 36 libros y cientos de artículos. Miembro de número de la Academia Provincial de Ciencias y Artes de San Isidro y Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. Premio Gobierno Provincia de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales. Konex de Metafísica y Nacional de Ciencias Bernardo Houssay 2003 al Investigador Consolidado.


Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional de Filosofía, 3 vols, (publicación al cuidado de Luis Juan Guerrero, Secretario de Actas del Congreso). Mendoza: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 1949.

García Bazán, Francisco. "Penurias de la Filosofía". En 50 Años de la Comunidad Organizada. Por el protagonismo de los pueblos, editado por Alberto Buela, 21-27. Buenos Aires: Fundación Cultura et Labor, 1999.

García Bazán, Francisco. "Neoplatonismo medieval. El neoplatonismo cristiano medieval entre los dominicos de Colonia y sus proyecciones filosóficas". En VII Jornadas de Filosofía Medieval, del 7 al 12 de abril de 2012, CONICET, CD-Rom ISBN: 978-987-537-118-7.

Faivre, Antoine. "Christian Theosophy". En Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism, I, editado por Wouter J. Hanegraaff, 258-267. Leiden: Brill, 2005.



How to Cite

García Bazán, Francisco. 2019. “The Homage of Eugenio Pucciarelli to Felix Krueger in the First National Congress of Philosophy and Theosophy”. Philosophia 79 (2):9-31.


