Reason, Action and Language in Current Kant's Intepretation


  • Daniel Leserre Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Action, Kant, Language, Reason


Beyond methodological differences relevant present lines of Kant’s interpretation coincide in a common core. They held that Kant’s philosophy can have value as a today’s philosophy, they agree with conceiving Kant’s philosophy as a comprehensive totality, and eventually they put the theoretical philosophy under the orientation of the practical one. This article claims that an argument that relates reason, action and language can be identified within that common core, particularly from a renewed assessment of the Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.

Author Biography

Daniel Leserre, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

El autor es Profesor en Filosofía, Licenciado en Psicología y Doctor en Filosofía por la U.N. de Buenos Aires. Es Profesor Titular en la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín e Investigador Independiente del CONICET. Su campo de investigación es la historia de la filosofía del lenguaje a partir de Kant. Es autor de alrededor de sesenta trabajos en publicaciones nacionales e internacionales.


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How to Cite

Leserre, Daniel. 2019. “Reason, Action and Language in Current Kant’s Intepretation”. Philosophia 79 (2):59-89.


