The Role of Philosophy of Nature at the Crossroads of Physics.

Reflections Following Examples of 20th Century Physics


  • Francisco José Soler Gil Universidad de Sevilla (España)


Scientific Method, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Aspects of Quantum Physics, Philosophy of Cosmology, Interdisciplinarity


This article defends the thesis that philosophy not only played an important role in the initial moments of the formation of modern science, but currently continues to play an essential role in scientific development. This role consists in the contribution of ideas and arguments that motivate the exploration of new models and new lines of research, beyond what is commonly accepted at any given time. So, without this contribution of ideas, scientific progress stops, or at least slows down significantly. The thesis defended is illustrated by considering various examples taken from the developments of physics in the twentieth century.

Author Biography

Francisco José Soler Gil, Universidad de Sevilla (España)

El autor es doctor en filosofía por la Universidad de Bremen (Alemania). Ha trabajado en el grupo de investigación de filosofía de la física de la Universidad de Bremen y en el grupo de investigación de astrofísica de partículas de la Universidad Técnica de Dortmund. Es autor, entre otros libros, de El universo a debate (Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2016), Mitología materialista de la ciencia (Encuentro, Madrid, 2013), Discovery or construction? (Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2012), Lo divino y lo humano en el universo de Stephen Hawking (Ediciones Cristiandad, Madrid, 2008) y Aristóteles en el Mundo Cuántico (Comares, Granada, 2003). Ha sido coautor junto a Marín López Corredoira de ¿Dios o la materia? (Altera, Barcelona, 2008), y editor y coautor del libro Dios y las cosmologías modernas (BAC, Madrid, 2005).


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How to Cite

Soler Gil, Francisco José. 2019. “The Role of Philosophy of Nature at the Crossroads of Physics.: Reflections Following Examples of 20th Century Physics”. Philosophia 79 (2):109-39.


