A vertical flash. Contribution to the phenomenological elucidation of the meaningful strata in the notion of moment


  • Ángel Garrido Maturano Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. CONICET


moment, time, space, meaning


The article analyzes the notion of moment from a systematic, phenomenological, and existential point of view. Its starting point is taken from the esthetic paradigm of H. Rombach and the ethical-religious paradigm of S. Kierkegaard. It goes on to explain the meaningful strata that constitute the essence of the phenomenon in its different figures. This is accomplished by means of an analysis of the specific mode in which discontinuity and continuity, time and space, subject and object, and meaning and world are correlated in the moment. The article is guided by the hypothesis that the moment takes place as the concentration and fusion of both terms of each correlation in an Absolute that can be experienced but remains unknowable.

Author Biography

Ángel Garrido Maturano, Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. CONICET

El autor es Profesor, Licenciado y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es Miembro del Comité de Doctorado de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste e Investigador Principal del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Su campo de investigación es la fenomenología, la filosofía de la existencia, en especial el pensamiento de S. Kierkegaard, y la filosofía de la religión. Posee 145 publicaciones entre libros y revistas académicas de 16 países.


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How to Cite

Garrido Maturano, Ángel. 2020. “A Vertical Flash. Contribution to the Phenomenological Elucidation of the Meaningful Strata in the Notion of Moment”. Philosophia 80 (2):31-59. https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/philosophia/article/view/4419.


