Recovering humanism as a solution to the integration of diversity in Europe


  • Paz Molero Hernández Universidad Villanueva


humanism, integration, Manent, Maritain, secularism, civil society


This article proposes to recover humanism, which is at the roots of Europe, as part of the solution to integrate the different cultures that are coming to our continent, as a result of immigration. After briefly analyzing the role of religion and secularism, as one of the basic characteristics of the modern West, we analyzed both the position that Maritain had at the time, and the current position of Pierre Manent, since both, with their differences, postulate a return to Christian humanism as a solution. Finally, the need for civil society to discover, based on that humanism, a new culture of social relations that is capable of seeing and managing diversity, is concluded.

Author Biography

Paz Molero Hernández, Universidad Villanueva

La autora es Licenciada en Filosofía y Teología por la Universidad de Navarra. Doctora en Teología con la tesis "El concepto de justicia social en F.A. Hayek". Premio extraordinario. Es Profesora Contratada Doctora por la ANECA (Agencia Estatal de Evaluación y Acreditación del profesor universitario en España). Profesora de la Universidad Villanueva de Madrid, España. Su campo de investigación es la Filosofía Moral y Política. Posee múltiples publicaciones en revistas científicas de impacto internacional.


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How to Cite

Molero Hernández, Paz. 2020. “Recovering Humanism As a Solution to the Integration of Diversity in Europe”. Philosophia 80 (2):61-90.


