Kant, a teleological aesthetics?


  • Leopoldo Tillería Aqueveque Instituto Nacional de Capacitación Profesional


aesthetics, purpose, Kant, teleology


The possibility of understanding Kant’s aesthetics as a teleological aesthetic is discussed. This conjecture supposes that both the experience of the beautiful and the epistemic experience of the subject require a direction "beyond" the mere field of sensible form or natural organisms. This supersensible horizon tends to be protected precisely by the principle of finality. Thus, the purpose of the third Critique seems to be to find that transcendental structure that functions as a metaphysical and methodological justification of teleology, which has virtually become the third branch of philosophy.

Author Biography

Leopoldo Tillería Aqueveque, Instituto Nacional de Capacitación Profesional

El autor es Magíster y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile. Es académico e investigador del Área Tecnologías de la Información y Ciberseguridad del Instituto Profesional INACAP Chile (Instituto Nacional de Capacitación Profesional) sede Temuco. Sus campos de investigación son la Filosofía de la Tecnología y la Estética. Posee múltiples publicaciones en el país y en el extranjero.


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How to Cite

Tillería Aqueveque, Leopoldo. 2020. “Kant, a Teleological Aesthetics?”. Philosophia 80 (2):115-34. https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/philosophia/article/view/4422.


