Animality and Humanity in Feuerbach's Philosophy (1828-1843)
Feuerbach, Animality, Humanity, DifferenceAbstract
This paper aims to address the philosophical problematization of animality in Ludwig Feuerbach's work. For this purpose, we will analyze the works of the period 1828-1843, organized into three groups. The first group comprises the period 1828-1830. At this stage, Feuerbach adopts a traditional definition of man and establishes a qualitative difference between the human being and the animal. The second group includes texts from the period 1839-1841. Although Feuerbach renounces the rationalist image of man, he does not abandon the thesis of a qualitative difference between human beings and animals. The third group is composed of writings from the period 1842-1843. Feuerbach now thinks that the human being is a natural being, and he argues that there is a difference in degree between man and animal.
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