Guidelines for Authors

The Revista de Historia Universal accepts original and unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian according to the author's language of origin. Authors are expected to respect appropriate practices linked to intellectual honesty and ethical research principles, that is, not to simultaneously submit papers to another journal or print or electronic publishing body, not engage in plagiarism practices, and take into account the conflict of interest.

The editorial committee determines if the article is appropriate to the thematic and methodological interests of the journal.

The perspectives expressed in the published works are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of the Revista de Historia Universal.

General publication guidelines for authors

The works must meet the following conditions, otherwise they may not be included in the arbitration process. The editorial committee determines if the article is appropriate to the thematic and methodological interests of the journal and formalises, consequently, the external evaluation. Peer evaluation process.

Manuscripts must be unpublished and may have a maximum of two co-authors.

Presentation of the manuscript

The text must be presented in electronic Word files, with Times New Roman typography 12 points for body and 11 for the textual and bibliographic citation. In justified A4 size and with spacing of 1.5; all four 2.5 cm margins, unnumbered pages. The extension of the works depends on the type of contribution:

_ Original and unpublished research articles and case studies: must not exceed 7,000 words, including pages with tables, photographs and/or graphs.

_ Dossier: made up of original articles with a maximum length of 9000 words

_ Bibliographic reviews and critiques: 1800 words

The full text must be justified. You must use regular type only: avoid block capitals, bold or italics, text underlining, etc., except in the forms allowed in the "highlighting" section

Two files must be delivered with the aforementioned standards. One (1) with authorship data and two (2) prepared for double-blind evaluation. This implies that you should not have any authorship, self-citation or institutional affiliation data.

File with authorship

The article must be preceded by a sheet with the following information:

  1. Work title.
  2. Translated title.
  3. Name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s).
  4. Academic affiliation of the author(s) written in full, no acronyms. City and Country of the institution.
  5. Email address of the author(s).
  6. Recognition of subsidies.
  7. City and institution where the work was carried out. Postal address, telephone.
  8. Acknowledgments: they must state the name of the person, the academic affiliation and the type of collaboration carried out.
  9. Brief curriculum vitae of each author (maximum: 150 words)

File without authorship for double-blind evaluation

The work must be included in another file, without identifying data of the authors, with the following order of presentation:

  1. Title of the work in Spanish or the language of origin and its corresponding translation into English.
  2. No name/s of author/s.
  3. Replacing ALL authorship, self-citation, and scholarly reference marks in the paper with the following paragraph:

           Data extracted to be able to be evaluated.

  1. Title: it must be representative of the content and contain the study variables. It should not exceed 10 words, if possible. If necessary, a subtitle of the same length can be added.
  2. Abstract: must not exceed 150 words in the language of the text. For original research articles and case studies, the objective, methodology and conclusions, duly summarized, must be included in the summary. For essays, review articles or status quaestionis, the main aspects covered in the text will be included in the abstract.
  3. Keywords: No more than five keywords will be added in the language of the text.
  4. Summary and Keywords translated into English. If the abstract is in Spanish, Portuguese or Italian, an English translation will be added. If it is in English, a Spanish translation will be added.
  1. If the keywords find in Spanish, Portuguese or Italian, an English translation will be added. If they are in English, a Spanish translation will be added.
  2. Text
  3. Tables: they will be numbered consecutively and with Arabic numerals. They will be referred to in the text (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each table must present its title at the top. Note or Sources of the table is placed below it. All tables must be included in the text file. Example:

Table 1. Structure of the primary education system, 1855-1865

Source: Serrano, Ponce de León y Rengifo, 2012, pp. 367-369

  1. Figures: all illustrations (photographs, diagrams, graphs, drawings, etc.) will be designated with the term "figure" and will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They will be referred to in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). All figures must be included in the text file. Each Figure must present its title at the bottom of it, as well as the source or note.

Figure 1. The School of Athens. Source: Raphael Sanzio. Work painted between 1510-1512.

  1. Acknowledgments: It is not mandatory. If necessary, they should be included at the end of the text, before the bibliographical references, and they should be brief (Times New Roman 10). The authors are responsible for requesting the necessary permissions to mention the names of people or organizations that, in their opinion, deserve the thanks. The type of contribution must be mentioned.
  2. Abbreviations: the abbreviations will be clarified between parentheses the first time they are used in the text, for example: United Nations Organization (UN). Once the clarification is made, only the abbreviation will be used.
  3. Footnotes: If possible, do not include footnotes. Use only if it is essential. Use Times New Roman 11 type without indentation.

Rules for appointments and references

This Guide is an application of the standards set forth by the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) in its Sixth Edition Publications Manual. It does not claim to be exhaustive, but includes the most frequently used types of citations and bibliographic reference formats. You can download them in PDF format


Through the citations, the authors partially express the ideas or affirmations taken from another source that will be used as background, refutation, corroboration or link for the elaboration of new ideas. The citations allow showing the works that have directly influenced the development of a new work.

Types of appointments. References in the text

Direct or textual quote

It reproduces word for word the original material. When citing, the author, year of publication and the page of the citation must be indicated. (Author's last name, year of publication, p. number of the page where the quoted text is found). Ex:

(Hubeñak, 2019, p. 33)

In citations with emphasis in the text, use the format Author, year of publication, page in parentheses immediately after the citation. If the name of the cited author appears in the text, indicate the year of publication and page/s between parentheses. Ex:

Hubeñák (2019) states "xxx xxxx" (p. 33).

If the year and the name of the cited author have already been included in the text, indicate only the page in parentheses at the end of the citation. Ex:

In 2019, Hubeñák states "xxx xxxx" (p. 33).

If the citation in the text corresponds to an idea that reproduces verbatim an author's original material and has less than 40 words, it is included in the text by putting it in quotation marks, followed by the author's last name, year of publication, and page. The page is indicated with the letter "p", if there are several pages, "pp." is indicated. If the quote is at the end of the sentence, close the quotation marks and indicate the source in parentheses and end with a period outside the final parentheses. Ex:

"The great pharaohs were considered an incarnation of the god Horus and legitimate heirs to the throne; at their death they became the god Osiris" (Hamilton, 2006, p. 21).

In quotes that emphasize the text. Ex:

Hamilton (2006) affirms that "the great pharaohs were considered an incarnation of the god Horus and legitimate heirs to the throne; at their death they became the god Osiris" (p.21).

If the quote in the text has 40 words or more, the text must be highlighted in a separate paragraph and omit quotation marks. Indent the left margin of approximately 2.5 cm. (block paragraph). If there are additional paragraphs within the citation, add a second indentation of half a centimeter at the beginning of each one. The citations must go to a space and a half and at the end of the block must indicate, within a parenthesis after the final punctuation, the source of consultation, year and page number. Ex:

This effort is not made by a single man, it is well known that the Castilian king gathered in his palace a true academy with the main wise men of the country, bringing together Christians, Jews and Mohammedans, a fact that can be observed in the miniatures of the royal codices. . We can, through a character, see the expression of a group that shares a series of interests, in this case it would be the king and the aspirations of his people (Becerra de Cardozo, 2017, pp. 114-115).

If it is based on the author. Ex:

Becerra de Cardozo (2017) states that:

This effort is not made by a single man, it is well known that the Castilian king gathered in his palace a true academy with the main scholars of the country, bringing together Christians, Jews and Mohammedans, a fact that can be seen in the miniatures of the royal codices. We can, through a character, see the expression of a group that shares a series of interests, in this case it would be the king and the aspirations of his people (pp. 114-115).

  • If clarifications or explanations appear in parentheses in the quoted text, they must be replaced by square brackets.
  • If quotes appear in the quoted text to emphasize what is expressed, replace them with single quotes (').
  • If there are misspellings or inappropriate linguistic turns in the quoted text, write the text as it appears and use the expression sic in italics and between square brackets immediately after the error, place the appropriate linguistic turn or the correctly spelled word.
  • If part of the original text is omitted, indicate it by means of parentheses and ellipses (").
  • If explanatory material is inserted into the original source, insert it between square brackets.
  • If the citation includes another cited text, indicate both citations (whose sources are not included in the reference list)
  • If the citation is from online material without page numbers, but paragraph numbers are visible, use them instead of the page number using the abbreviation for paragraph (para).
  • If you need to highlight one or more words in the quote, write them in italics, indicating added italics between square brackets.

Classic works:

When citing classical works such as the Greek, Roman, and Bible, identify within the first citation in the text the version used in parentheses. Parts of classic works such as books, chapters, and verses are numbered the same in all editions, so if you are quoting directly, use these numbers instead of page numbers. Ex:

According to 1.Cor. 13.1 (Jerusalem Bible), charity is patient"

Indirect, contextual quote or paraphrase

In the paraphrase, the idea of another author is reproduced in his own words. The statement must not correspond to the original text of the authors and must be cited throughout the text, indicating the author and year of publication of the work. Ex.:

According to Huizinga (1952), good customs and distinguished manners are typical characteristics of the nobility, as well as the practice of justice and the defense of territories for the protection of the

This is how the great monarchies of Spain, France and England appear, which tried to seize European hegemony by waging war on various occasions (Spielvogel, 2012, p. 425).

In the only cases where the page number can be deliberately omitted (but not the author and the year of publication), it is in those of paraphrasing, and this when several ideas expressed throughout a whole work are being summarized and not a particular idea easily located in the cited source. The latter would be plagiarism.

Non-text citations (References in the text)

When the work has more than one author, when they are mentioned within parentheses, the last author must be introduced with the conjunction "&", and when they are cited in the text, the last author is cited with "and". Ex.:

The irruption of experimental sciences involves a restructuring or new order of knowledge (Fernández & Soto, 2006, p.19)

Niermeyer and Van De Kieft (2002) point out that equity"

If the cited text has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the citation appears and in subsequent citations include only the last name of the first author followed by the abbreviation et al. (without italics and with a period after et al.) Ex.:

For several decades, the gaps between the number of men and the amounts of food they needed to survive worsened (Bennassar, Jacquart, Lebrun, Denis & Blayau, 2005, p. 387).

Bennassar. et al. (2005) affirm that the conquest of America was a Castilian project. While the Italian territories began as an Aragonese company, but continued with the help of Castilla.

If the citation to be used has six or more authors, from the first mention you must only cite the last name of the first author, followed by et al. and the year, both for the first appointment and for subsequent ones. Ex:

Shaw et al., 2009

If the referenced citation corresponds to a work from an institution, the first time the full name of said institution must appear, followed by its acronym in brackets. The following times that it is cited, only the acronym is indicated. The acronym should not be used if the institution is no longer named throughout the text.

If the referenced citation corresponds to a work from an institution, the first time it is cited it must be done using its full name, followed by its acronym in brackets. The following times that it is cited, only the acronym is indicated. The acronym should not be used if the institution will no longer be named throughout the text. Ex:

The National University of Cuyo [UNCuyo] xxxx Ex: The UNCuyo xxx

If several works are cited to support the same idea, the authors are arranged within the parentheses, in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. Ex:

By the way, in the middle of the XII dynasty, the disappearance of the large decorated tombs that characterized the burials of these individuals began to be evident, which was interpreted as a strategy of the central power to get rid of the powerful local chiefs (Andreu, 1990; Delia, 1980; Hayes, 1953; Matzker, 1986; Meyer, 1909).

If the citation corresponds to an author cited in another work, the author's last name is indicated and then "en" is placed, then the author and the year from which the citation was taken are added. In the bibliographical references, the work of the reviewed author must be entered, not that of the cited one. Ex:

Vaillant and Mukamal state that there is a correlation between optimism and adaptive coping in older adults (in Krzeimien & Urquijo, 2009, p. 103).

If, within the parentheses, two or more works by the same author are cited, indicate the last name of this author and then put the years of the various works separated by commas and in chronological order. Ex:

xxx (Ubiñák, 2009, 2013, 2018) xxxx.

If different works by the same author that have been published in the same year are cited, the works must be separated with the letters a, b, c". Ex:

xxx (Ubiñák, 2018a, 2018b) xxxx.

If two works with the same publication date and authors with the same last name but who are different are cited, the initial of the name is indicated to differentiate them. Ex.:

Xxxxx (F. Fernández, 2017) xxxx.

Xxxx (J.P. Fernández, 2017, 2018) xxxx.

Conferences. Conference papers are cited as follows: Author and in parentheses: year and month of the scientific event. Ex:

Boch (2018, June) xxxxx.

Quotations from newspapers, bulletins or written newscasts are indicated with the exact date of their presentation. Ex:

(Los Andes, 2019, April 24) Works and web pages without author

Transcribe the first words of the document title in quotation marks and then the year of publication, separated by a comma.


Reference list

The references cited in the text will make up the list of bibliographical references located at the end of the work.

The reference list includes all the sources that document and complement the work and that were cited in it. It presents the data that allows the sources consulted by the author to be retrieved.

This list is arranged alphabetically by author's last name.

  • References by the same author are ordered by year of publication, placing the most recent first.
    In the case of the same author (or authors with the same succession of works) with the same year of publication, the letters a, b, c, etc. are used, in lower case immediately after the year inside the parentheses.
  • Single-author entries precede multiple-author entries, even if both begin with the same last name, regardless of publication date.)
  • References with the same first and different second or third authors are ordered alphabetically by the second author's last name or, if the second author has the same last name, the third author's will be taken, and so on.

Citation of Bibliographic References


Books and reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and reference books for a specific discipline.

Book of an author or two

Author, A. (year). Work title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ex: Soisson, J. P. (2005). Carlos V. Buenos Aires: Editorial El Ateneo. Fernández, J. L. & Soto, M. J. (2006). History of modern philosophy.

Navarre: EUNSA

Book of up to seven authors

All the surnames and initials of the names are indicated using the conjunction & before incorporating the last author.

Ex: Bennassar, M. B., Jacquart, J., Lebrun, F., Denis, M. & Blayau, N. (2005). Modern history. Madrid: Akal Editions.

Book of 8 or more authors

If the document has eight or more authors, list the first six, then add a comma, followed by three ellipses and the last author.

Author, A., Author. B., Author. C., Author. D., Author. E., Author, F. "¦Author, I. (year). Book title. doi: xxx.xxxx.xxxx

corporate author book

Ex: American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (3rd ed.). Mexico: Modern Manual.


E-books, reference works and books available online, books available in online repositories. Ex:

Author, A. (year). Title of the book. Retrieved from: http//www.xxxxxxx

Include a recovery date with a URL only when it is likely to change, such as wikis. Ex:

Author, A. (year). Title of the book. Retrieved on September 8, 2019 from: http//www.xxxxxxx

Author, A. (year). Title of the book. doi: Book in several volumes.

Indicate between parentheses the abbreviation Vol. and the first volume number followed by a hyphen and the number of the last volume. Ex:

Bleiberg, G. (1968). Dictionary of History of Spain. (Vols. 1-3). Madrid: Western Magazine.

New world encyclopedia. (1994-2000). (Vols. 1-42). Bilbao: Durvan Lexicographic Institute.

Electronic version of a printed book

Author, A.A. (year). Title (xxx version). Retrieved from

Electronic version of a reissued book

Author, A. (year). Work title. In: A. Surname Editor (Ed). Title (vol.X, pp. xx) Retrieved from Original work published in year)

Book in another language, title translated into the language of the work in preparation

If the book consulted as a source was not written in the same language as the work in preparation, indicate the title in the original language and the translation into the language used in square brackets.

Chapter of the book

Chapter within an edited book

After citing the author and the name of the chapter, the preposition "In" must be integrated and the editors of the book should be added, followed by the abbreviation Ed or Eds, as the case may be, in parentheses. Then the name of the book is included, the pages in parentheses. City of publication and publisher. Ex.:

Gretchen, P. (2005). The social and professional networks of the minstrels of Montpellier, 1350-1500. In A. Bombi, J.J. Carreras & M.

Marin (Eds.). Music and urban culture in the modern age (pp. 107-113). Valencia: University of Valencia.

Newspaper publication

The title of the article is indicated in normal font and without quotation marks.

The title of the Magazine, Journal or periodical publication is written in italics or italics.

If the journal has a volume, write it in italics and then, between parentheses, indicate the number of the publication without italics and in Arabic numerals, with no space between them.

If the journal does not have a volume, indicate the Arabic number in italics without parentheses.

If the journal is electronic or has a digital version, indicate the URL or DOI (digital object identifier) that will allow the digital object to be identified. Authors are required to check whether or not each of the references used in their article has a doi identification number, by accessing the link: It must be added at the end of each of the references.

periodical article

They must be cited as follows: Surname, A. & Surname, B. (year). Article title. Title of the Magazine or Publication, volume (number), pages. Ex:

Leprohon, R (1993). Administrative titles in Nubia in the in the Middle Kingdom. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 113(3), 423-436.

Periodical articles with DOI (digital object identifier)

They must be cited as follows: Surname, A. & Surname, B. (year). Article title. Title of the publication, volume (number), pages. doi: xxxxxxx. Ex:

Cian, J.P. (2018). Origins of agricultural schools in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina (1896-1910). Agrarian World, 19(42), (24-45)

Scientific journal in electronic format without DOI:

Ex: Ciliberto, M.V. (2918). Jesuit temporalities, capitals and credit in Late Colonial Buenos Aires (1767-1813). American and Argentine History Magazine, 53(2), Retrieved from:

Periodical article with DOI and more than seven authors

In the reference, write the name of all the authors. In direct citation within the text use the form (Author et al., year")

Magazine article in the press

When an article has been accepted by the Journal, but has not yet been indexed on the official site of the periodical, but is published informally, the article is considered to be "in press". The citation must not include either volume or number and instead of the year, indicate "in press". Ex:

Infante González, A. P. (In press). Male and female point of view on the fuga di Adelaide. A problem I generated? Universal History Magazine.


Reviewer, A. (year). Review Title [Book Review Book Title, by A. Author]. Title of the complete work, xx, pp.xx. Ex:

Reitano, E. (2018). [Review of the book El transito de la Buenamorte por Lima. The Rise and Decline of a Sugar Religious Order in the 18th and 19th Centuries by P. F. Luna]. Agrarian World, 19(42), pp. 204 doi:

Papers, Conferences and Symposiums presented at Scientific Events

Congresses, conferences and symposiums

Collaborator, A.A., Collaborator, B. B. & Collaborator C.C. (Month year). Title of the collaboration. Title of the Symposium, Congress or Conference. Symposium held at the Organization Name Conference, Location. Ex:

Borriau, J, (1998, August). Egyptian Pottery Found in Kerma Ancien, Derma Moyen and Kerma Classique Graves at Kerma. In T. Kendall (Ed.). Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society of Nubian Studies. Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts, Boston. Department of African-American Studies, Northeastern University, 3-13.


Doctoral theses and master's thesis

For a doctoral or master's thesis available in a database or the Internet, it must follow the following model: Author, A. (year). Title of the doctoral or master's thesis (doctoral or master's thesis). Retrieved from database name or url. Ex:

Ponce, A. (2007). Towards a situated Hispano-American anthropology. (Doctoral thesis) Retrieved from:

For an unpublished thesis, use the following model: Author, A. (year). Title of the doctoral or master's thesis. (unpublished doctoral or master's thesis). Retrieved from: database name or url. Ex:

Pavesi, P. (1994). The normative and the descriptive and their conflict in praxiology: the case of utility theories (of preachers and sinners. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Retrieved from: /default/search/results?qu=thesis+doctoral&te=

Unpublished manuscripts

Fernandez, P. (2017). xxxxxxxx. Unpublished manuscript.

classic works

Reference entries are not required for important classical works, such as ancient Greek and Roman works or classical religious works.