Priscian and the Graeco-Roman bilingualism

An example of the cross-linguistic analysis within Prician´´´ s De Constrvctione (Inst. Gramm. XVII)


  • Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


greek language, latin language, bilingualism, comparison


In this paper, we aim at examining a specific kind of comparison and contrast between Greek and Latin languages, carried out by Priscian in the Book XVII of his Institutiones grammaticae (6th century AD). We consider both the sociocultural context in which this treatise was composed to justify a presumed bilingualism, and the way syntactical strutures are compared and contrasted between Greek and Latin language. As an example we take the treatment given to the articles by Priscian.


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How to Cite

Fábio. (2019). Priscian and the Graeco-Roman bilingualism : An example of the cross-linguistic analysis within Prician´´´ s De Constrvctione (Inst. Gramm. XVII). Revista De Estudios Clásicos, 47, 25–30. Retrieved from



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