Vindication of Hera: hierogamy and its consequences


  • Ana Lorena Nieto Manini Universidad Nacional de San Juan / Universidad de Salamanca


Hera, myth, hierogamia, mythographers


This paper proposes the vindication of Hera, starting with the concept of ‘hierogamy’ and its consequences as a topic, plus the image of a young goddess, very much in love, which is seldom forgotten, versus the only concept of her as an evil goddess, avenger of her husband infidelities. First, there is a comparative analysis of myths, with its different versions, on the first stages of their falling in love, their following marriage and its consequences. From that division between myths about what happened before the marriage and after, a study is established through different isotopies -defined in each of the sections- for the configuration of Hera as a loving marriage goddess. The main objective is to show from different mythographers, the vindication of Hera like a legitimate wife and a marriage goddess, enhancing her positive and symbolic representative aspects.


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How to Cite

Nieto Manini, A. L. (2019). Vindication of Hera: hierogamy and its consequences . Revista De Estudios Clásicos, 47, 191–207. Retrieved from



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