An introduction to the problem of political organization during the Neopalatial period of Crete


  • Jorge Cano Moreno Universidad Católica Argentina, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Neopalatial Crete, hierarchy, heterarchy, political organization


The intention of this work is to offer a series of elements for studing the type of political dynamic that the different centres of power had during the Neopalatial period of Crete. The basis of this issue is that the model inaugurated by Arthur Evans (discoverer of the palace of Knossos) failed to respond to the new archaeological evidence that was unearthed after the publication of his masterpiece The Palace of Minos at Knossos. These findings could not be explained in the terms established by Evans and his followers since, in some cases, they seemed to express a different political organization system.

In this paper, therefore, different analyses that challenge Evans power model will be presented from a critical perspective. Also, new alternatives of political organization that have been raised in recent years will be pointed out. To this end, different cultural expressions that account the political organization will be studied, understanding that the political is an analytical category constructed from the evidence.

Author Biography

Jorge Cano Moreno , Universidad Católica Argentina, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Jorge Cano Moreno es Profesor y Licenciado en Historia graduado con honores de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Posteriormente, realizó el Máster Interuniversitario de Arqueología Clásica coordinado por la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de España. Actualmente, es Becario Doctoral del CONICET y se desarrolla como Profesor a cargo de la asignatura Teoría de la Historia en la UCA. Como miembro del CEHAO, es el vicedirector de la revista Antiguo Oriente y editor del newsletter Damqatum.


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How to Cite

Moreno , J. C. . (2020). An introduction to the problem of political organization during the Neopalatial period of Crete. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (49), 45–101. Retrieved from



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