Ambiguity of love in Virgil


  • Pier Angelo Perotti Liceo-Ginnasio “L. Lagrangia”


Donatus, love, pederasty, Virgil


As most of the poets of every time and language, also Virgil dealt, among other themes, with the one of love, emphasizing how much it is powerful and, in another way, pernicious. It is not difficult to recognize, in most of the love events described by the poet, an unlucky or even tragic ending. This is a factor that, though being part of his substantially pessimistic vision of life, may likewise be the proof that ataraxy – including also the renunciation to love passion – according to him represents the true wisdom, as we can find in the background in several passages of Aeneid. As we can notice in the Vita Vergilii by Donatus, it is very probable that, at least in his youth, Virgil was captured by amorous feelings for children, but we can think that, in his riper age, his true, unique love was Rome, which he exalted like very few other poets.

Author Biography

Pier Angelo Perotti, Liceo-Ginnasio “L. Lagrangia”

Posee un título de grado en Letras Clásicas por la Università degli Studi (Milán – Italia, l970) Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de Latín y Griego en el Liceo-Ginnasio “L. Lagrangia” (Vercelli – Italia). Su área de investigación comprende: Filología Clásica, Estudios de Lengua y Cultura Italianas, Exégesis Neotestamentaria, Dialecto de Vercelli.


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How to Cite

Perotti, P. A. (2022). Ambiguity of love in Virgil. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (51), 389–411. Retrieved from



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