Epithets and geosymbols of the goddess Artemis in Homer

Analysis of the landscape in Iliad, Odyssey, and Homeric hymns


  • Jenny Salas Moya Universidad de Costa Rica


Artemis, geosymbol, Illiad, Homeric Hymns, Odyssey


This research aimes to analyze, through the reference to epithets and myths, the ancient Greek landscapes associated with the Greek goddess Artemis in three literary texts from the history of Greek literature: Illiad, Odyssey, and Homeric Hymns, with the purpose of determining if there was a relationship between the liminality of the regions linked to the goddess and her mythical-religious identity. It is concluded that in Iliad and Odyssey two facets of Artemis are evident: firstly, her dominance over wild animals, both protective and devastating, due to her arrow-character in both ἀγρóς, οὔρεα, and ὕλη; secondly, her role as bearer and executor of a painless death specifically for women is evident, a function that she even performs in Ortygia according to the Odyssey. However, in the case of the Homeric Hymns, the presence of epithets not documented until then stands out, such as θηροσκόπος, “scout of wild animals”, as well as ἑκατηβόλος, “accurate arrow shooter”. The predominant character of the deity is her function as a goddess linked exclusively to the hunting of wild animals. Likewise, the mention of a new place where the goddess is located stands out. It is λειμών, “meadow”, which refers to a humid, grassy place.

Author Biography

Jenny Salas Moya, Universidad de Costa Rica

Magister en Literatura Clásica por Universidad de Costa Rica, donde también obtuvo su Bachillerato y Licenciatura en Filología Clásica. En la misma institución se desempeña como docente en las áreas de Mitología, Literaturas Clásicas y Etimologías. Actualmente coordina el proyecto “India, Grecia y Roma Antiguas en el Mundo Actual”.


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How to Cite

Salas Moya, J. (2023). Epithets and geosymbols of the goddess Artemis in Homer: Analysis of the landscape in Iliad, Odyssey, and Homeric hymns. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (55), 1–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/revistaestudiosclasicos/article/view/7462



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