New Contributions to the Urban Archeology of the City of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina: Excavations at the House of Brigadier López




colonial city, middens, ceramics, tapia (rammed earth)


This article presents the results of archaeological excavations in the house of Brigadier Estanislao López, a military commander from Santa Fe. The excavations were part of a research project lead by the Ethnographic and Colonial Museum on the historical archeology of the colonial period. This was done alongside a restoration of the house, which was declared a National Historical Monument in 1942 for its historical and architectural signficance. The excavations were designed to study the different stages of occupation of the site where the house is located. After the city was moved to its current location in 1660, the site was occupied by a series of buildings for servants and slaves held by the Order of Mercy until 1792. Next, the land remained unoccupied and was used as a garbage dump until Manuel Rodríguez bought it and built a house in the 1810s, where Brigadier López lived with his family. Excavations were carried out in two rooms of the house, which identified trash middens from the time of the Mercedarians and prior to the construction of the current house. Field research also identified tapia (rammed earth) used to build the house, which was surveyed, analyzed, and associated with the archaeological contexts.


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How to Cite

Cocco, G. (2023). New Contributions to the Urban Archeology of the City of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina: Excavations at the House of Brigadier López. Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 78(1), 125–143.


