A communicology map

The foundations of the study of human communication according to Vilém Flusser


  • Alex Florian Heilmair Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


Communicology, Communication theory, Culture, Vilém Flusser


The Brazilian-Czech philosopher Vilém Flusser dedicated more than 30 years of his life to the study of human communication, called by him as "communicology". Flusser proposed a theory that considered the existential, anthropological and historical character as a central aspect of all communication. To this end, he sought to align social and cultural organization with communication theory, defining it as the study of how man processes, stores and transmits culturally acquired information. This paper intends to present a mapping of the foundations used in the communicational study (concepts and methods). For this, there will be considered two different moments of the author's work: the first, which covers the reflections of youth, synthesized in the 1970s while he lived in Brazil; the second, which covers the mature reflections of the 1980s and 1990s while he lived in Europe.


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Author Biography

Alex Florian Heilmair, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Doutor e mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC/SP, bacharel e especialista em Design Gráfico pelo Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. Diretor de projetos do Arquivo Vilém Flusser São Paulo e Diretor de comunicação do Centro Interdisciplinar de Semiótica da Cultura e da Mídia – CISC (CNPq). Desenvolve pesquisas voltadas principalmente aos temas: comunicação, teoria da imagem, teoria da mídia, semiótica da cultura e design


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How to Cite

Heilmair, A. F. (2020). A communicology map: The foundations of the study of human communication according to Vilém Flusser. Cuyo. Anuario De Filosofía Argentina Y Americana, 37, 45–71. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/anuariocuyo/article/view/4256