Voisin Rational Grazin Technology

A tool to increase livestock productivity in the southwest of Buenos Aires and contribute to the environment. Case study


  • Nicolás Castro Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Michael Rúa Franco Cultura Empresarial Ganadera
  • Gabriela Cristiano Universidad Nacional del Sur




This paper studies methods to increase the productivity of livestock and reduce its environmental impact. Through the case of study Greenfield project of the Stella Establishment, located in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires. It is shown that the application of the so-called "technology of the third millennium" or Voisin Rational Grazin (VRG), would not only allow increase livestock productivity, but also achieve an organic final product and reduce the environmental impact resulting from the activity, even obtaining a positive carbon balance and thus achieving a greater real benefit. Thus, the use of this tool by various farmers can link the economic, social and environmental development of the region. To achieve this, it is necessary to join forces between the private, academic and governmental sectors, fostering research spaces to disseminate such technology.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Cristiano, Universidad Nacional del Sur

Departamento de Economía. Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (IIESS). UNS–CONICET



How to Cite

Castro, N., Rúa Franco, M., & Cristiano, G. (2020). Voisin Rational Grazin Technology: A tool to increase livestock productivity in the southwest of Buenos Aires and contribute to the environment. Case study. Cuyonomics. Investigaciones En Economía Regional, 4(6), 11–30 p. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.42.023