William of Conches: "Novan affert philosophiam"


  • Rafael Ramón Guerrero Universidad Complutense. Madrid (España)


Medieval Philosophy, William of Conches, Natural Philosophy, Reason, William of Saint-Thierry


The renewed interest in nature, considered from the point of view of the reason and not from a symbolic vision, was one of the important factors that made the development of philosophical thought possible in the 12th century. The new perspective that was opened had in Guillermo de Conches one of the thinkers who contributed most to its development. Therefore, his philosophy was seen as "new" by those who did not feel concerned by this innovative way of thinking.

Author Biography

Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Universidad Complutense. Madrid (España)

Catedrático Jubilado y Profesor Emérito de Filosofía en la
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde imparte docencia de Historia de la Filosofía Medieval y de Historia de las Filosofías Árabe y Judía. Entre sus últimas publicaciones destacan los libros: Averroes: El Tratado decisivo y otros textos sobre filosofía y religión, Buenos Aires, 2015 y Abû Nasr al-Fârâbî: Las filosofías de Platón y Aristóteles. Con un Apéndice: Sumario de las Leyes de Platón, Prólogo y tratado primero, Madrid, 2017.


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How to Cite

Guerrero, Rafael Ramón. 2019. “William of Conches: ‘Novan Affert Philosophiam’”. Philosophia 77 (2):49-66. https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/philosophia/article/view/1842.


