The Science of First Causes in Aristotle, Metaphysics A, 1-3


  • José Antonio García-Lorente Universidad de Murcia (España)


Aristotle, Experience, Knowledge, First Philosophy


Aristotle, at first, identifies the knowing with experience, which represents the unity of a multiplicity. But then, in its proper sense, the knowing is identified with art or science, in virtue of what it differentiates it from experience. The difference is that experience is knowledge of individuals and art or science of universals.From this difference, the conception of first philosophy as science of first causes is presented in order to better understand the crisis of experience, both in the theoretical and in the ethical-political field. The aim of this paper consists on an exposition of the aitiological (aitía) dimension of philosophy, that may respond to crisis of experience from Metaphysics A, 1-3.

Author Biography

José Antonio García-Lorente, Universidad de Murcia (España)

Doctor europeo en Filosofía por la Universidad de Murcia,
España. Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Murcia. Su campo de investigación es la Metafísica y la filosofía de Aristóteles y la tradición aristotélica. Codirector del Seminario filosófico del Grupo de Investigación Nóesis (


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How to Cite

García-Lorente, José Antonio. 2019. “The Science of First Causes in Aristotle, Metaphysics A, 1-3”. Philosophia 77 (1):47-60.


