Rehabilitating Subjectivity in the Interdisciplinary Dialogue.
The Aldous Huxley's Solution to the Problem of The Two Cultures
subjectivity, interdisciplinary method, aesthetics, Aldous HuxleyAbstract
In this paper, I analyze the thesis formulated by Aldous Huxley on the importance of including the artist to overcome the phenomenon of the two cultures –the divorce between the sciences and the humanities. I explain, first of all, why such phenomenon is, for Huxley, an expression of a highly technified and consumerist mass society. Secondly, I develop his most concrete thesis about how the abandonment of the subjective/affective dimension of knowledge is the main cause of separation between the two cultures. The last part of the paper is aimed at contextualizing and defending his proposal about the need to re-passion intellectual activity, a task in which artists –the third culture– play an important role.
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