Transparency, Disclosedness and Conscience: the Self-Clarification in Sein und Zeit
Self-disclosure, Conscience, Transparency, TruthAbstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the notion of “Transparency” (Durchsichtigkeit) as an express definition of what, for Heidegger, the self-knowledge of Dasein consists of. Therefore, it will also be necessary to inspect the concept of self-deception associated with it insofar as it is its opposite. To that end, I will confront the passages where this question is dealt with (i.e. § 31 of Sein und Zeit), with those others (§§ 54-60) intended by the author to elucidate the structure of conscience on the basis of an existential interpretation of it that highlights the ontological conditions of its possibility. My hypothesis is that this transparency of which Heidegger speaks must be understood from the guidelines established in the explanation of the Disclosedness of Gewissen itself and the existentiell modification that it entails, with which the potentiality-for-Being-its-Self is attested in front of the They and, then, the clarification of the Selbst.
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