Introduction to Matteo Ricci´s book: The true Meaning of the Lord of Heaven


  • Marcela Soledad Rodríguez Ávila Fu Jen Catholic University



China, Mattero Ricci, culture, literates


This writing briefly introduces the book written by Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit missionary in China in the 17th century. We will present the author, the origin of the essay The True Meaning of the Senior of Heaven, the author's sources, and the writing's reception. The work is unique in its style, where the humanist Europe of the Renaissance is seen and stands out for being the first presentation of Aristotelian-Thomist philosophy in the philosophical system of China.

Matteo Ricci, considered by many authors as the bridge between China and Europe, is the one who laid the solid foundation of the system of Western philosophy, notably enriching the ancient wisdom of China. This philosophical system continues until our present time.

Author Biography

Marcela Soledad Rodríguez Ávila, Fu Jen Catholic University

Licenciada en Filosofía por la Fu Jen Catholic University de Taipei, Taiwan. En la actualidad prepara la defensa de su tesis doctoral –The Dignity of the Human Person: Interchange between Europe and China (Ming-Qing Matteo Ricci and Scholasticism: Saint Thomas Aquinas)– en la misma institución. Es miembro activo del St. Gianna Pro-Life Center, cuyo fin es la protección de toda persona humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ávila, Marcela Soledad. 2024. “Introduction to Matteo Ricci´s Book: The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven”. Philosophia 83 (1):69-96.


