From Structural to Detailed Land-Use Planning in the City of Valencia; Options and Limits for a New Integrating Community Planning: Case of ‘Ciutat Vella’


  • Pilar Lloret Gual Valencia University
  • Joaquín Farinós Dasí Valencia University


PGOU, Valencia, Detailed planning, Cohesive city


The latest change of government in the city of Valencia has leaded in new approaches and practices for planning the city, in a reformulation of the urban policy in line with the citizen demands for the construction of the collective space. On the one hand, the city promotes participatory budgets for each neighborhood of the city as a unit of action. On the other hand, it promotes a review of the detailed planning instead of the structuring one since there is enough developable land. This is leading to a process of revision of uses, even de-classification, as well as to change the focus on a better provision of services and urban rehabilitation. Thus, community planning, which seeks the quality of life in the city, from an integral perspective, seems to have suddenly started given the excesses and overloads of the old urbanism. Participatory budgets and new detailed land-use planning are carried out in neighborhoods from different local government departments. This raises the challenge of coordination and coherence of the actions that are key for this new community planning to take root. This work addresses and analyzes these processes, and assesses the resulting situation.

Author Biography

Pilar Lloret Gual , Valencia University

Doctoranda del IIDL, Universitat de València. Departamento de Geografía-IIDL, Universitat de València


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How to Cite

Lloret Gual , P., & Farinós Dasí, J. (2018). From Structural to Detailed Land-Use Planning in the City of Valencia; Options and Limits for a New Integrating Community Planning: Case of ‘Ciutat Vella’. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 12(24), 82. Retrieved from



Investigation Results