The Strategic Metropolitan Guidelines as a Policy for the Consolidation and Completion of the City’s Territory in the Case of Urban Gaps in Tucumán's Metropolitan area


  • Silvia Alicia Politi Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


Land-use planning, Urban voids, Public policy


The recent publication of Metropolitan Strategic Guidelines AM Tucumán (LEM, its Spanish acronym; AMT) is the result of a consulting work that brought together professionals from different specializations around the Observatory of Urban and Territorial Phenomena of the College of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional of Tucumán. It incorporates new possibilities in the field of politics of Land-use Planning. The purpose of this work is to discuss the capacity of LEM AMT to produce changes in land use in the territory of the Metropolitan System of Tucumán (SIMeT, its Spanish acronym), especially regarding Guideline 2 / Consolidation and Completion of the Metropolitan Structure. For this reason, definitions of urban voids are analyzed from different approaches, empty plots are identified, and the data obtained from the territorial space is compared with the programs and projects described in the guidelines.

The results of these analysis allow us to identify the relevance of the large fiscal gaps and the potential of their use to raise the need for a change in public policies within the institutions of national concern in a more sustainable city model. The recovery of Land-use Planning practices achieved from these LEM AMTs, which due to their multi-spatial characteristic they place their axis in the Metropolitan as a space of conflict, open up new possibilities for the definition of territorial policies that include Institutions such as Armed Forces, Railroads and Universities in the discussion and articulation in pursuit of the sustainability of a space as complex as in the SIMeT


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How to Cite

Politi, S. A. . (2018). The Strategic Metropolitan Guidelines as a Policy for the Consolidation and Completion of the City’s Territory in the Case of Urban Gaps in Tucumán’s Metropolitan area. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 12(24), 16. Retrieved from



Investigation Results