Spatial distribution of water resources in Cuba


  • Julio Iván González Piedra Facultad de Geografía, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
  • Hanne María Domínguez Pastrana Facultad de Geografía, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba


water resources, spatial distribution, water stress, hydro dependence


The purpose of this article is to analyze the spatial distribution of water resources in Cuba through the political - administrative division and the comparative geographical method. Also, the quantitative characteristics of these resources per provinces and the differences between them are evident in this research work. Looking ahead, significant challenges are expected due to the unequal spatial distribution of water resources and their saving. Cuba urgently needs a reassessment of the potential of its water resources considering the new conditions of transformation of the Cuban territory and the possible impacts of Climate Change. Most provinces have Water Stress values above 50%. For Havana and Santiago de Cuba, the Index of Water Sufficiency for the Exploitable ones is extremely low, both highly urbanized and with few water sources of self-sufficiency, being hydro dependent of their neighboring provinces.


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How to Cite

González Piedra, J. I. ., & Domínguez Pastrana, H. M. . (2019). Spatial distribution of water resources in Cuba. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 13(26), 136–156. Retrieved from