Territorial distribution of the demographic transition of the State of Mexico, 1980-2020
transition, demography, birth rate, mortality, bivariate analysisAbstract
The demographic transition for the State of Mexico has presented differences through time and space. This work begins with the elaboration of the graphic analysis of the general population and by large age groups for the State of Mexico, which shows a panorama of the change in the distribution of the population. The research is about the territorial distribution of the demographic transition, where the different areas correspond to the stages of the transition. This was generated by obtaining percentages of the total population of the entity for each group; while the territorial determination of the various stages of the demographic transition was based on different methods that resulted in this distribution. The indicators considered in the demographic transition were the birth and death rates, using as a base the variables of registered births and registered hospital deaths, as well as the total population for the period 1980-2020. The statistical methods used were the Mean Index Value (MIV) and bivariate analysis. The results obtained show that the distribution of some stages of the demographic transition for the State of Mexico is randomly distributed.
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