Ecological Economic Zoning Proposal in Aláquez, Ecuador


  • Diego Albuja Brito Instituto Superior Universitario Cotopaxi. Carrera de Gestión Territorial del Cambio Climático. Ecuador
  • Alexis Sánchez Chiluisa Instituto Superior Universitario Cotopaxi. Carrera de Gestión Territorial del Cambio Climático. Ecuador
  • Ángel Velásquez Cajas Instituto Superior Universitario Cotopaxi



Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development, Territorial Restructuring


This research addresses the importance of territorial planning and appropriate land use as fundamental factors for sustainable development in the rural parish of Aláquez. In particular, it focuses on the segmentation of the Ecological Economic Units (UEE) and the responsible use of land, as well as on the role of the Ecological Economic Zoning (ZEE) as an instrument of territorial planning. The final result of the study is a map showing the economic environmental zoning proposal of Aláquez, which has not been done until now and that will help to make appropriate decisions in territorial planning and management. It was found that new areas suitable for agriculture cover 10.73% of the total territory of the parish. Fragile areas, with a low ecosystem, cover 7.57%, while more fragile areas represent the largest area, reaching 37.45% of the territory. Anthropic activities cover 2.76% of the territory of Aláquez. The conclusions emphasize the need to effectively use territorial planning tools and adequate control to protect the environment and citizens from the risk of natural disasters.


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How to Cite

Albuja Brito, D., Sánchez Chiluisa, A., & Velásquez Cajas, Ángel. (2024). Ecological Economic Zoning Proposal in Aláquez, Ecuador. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 18(35), 13–33.