Digital preservation policy
The journal Proyección includes its content in the PKP digital preservation network.
PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) is an initiative of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). You can find more information on their website from here.
The information present in the "Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo" is preserved on different digital media on a daily and weekly basis. The media used for the "backup copy" are hard drives and cloud space. Backup copy on hard drives: two different hard drives located on the same server are used. This copy is made on one of the hard drives and in the cloud every 24 hours, without compression, except for the copy of the database, and without encryption. Weekly, the content of this hard drive is copied to the second hard drive. For the copies in the Google cloud, the database, the web tree of the OJS system and the pdf files of the journal articles are stored. The OJS system has a built-in tool for exporting articles and/or issues so that the managers of each journal can make a copy of them whenever they prefer. This provides an extra level of data protection, which is independent of the programming and physical resources described in this document.