Theodoric of Freiberg’s conception of definitio regarding realities of first intention, and its Aristotelian-Averroistic inspiration


  • Fernanda Ocampo Universidad de Buenos Aires; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


Theodoric of Freiberg, definition, realities of first intention, Aristotle, Averroes


In the present work we seek to expose Theodoric of Freiberg’s conception of «definition» regarding «realities of first intention» or «real» entities, showing that it nourishes from certain texts of Aristotle and from Averroes’ interpretation of those texts. First, we will try to determine the status of matter in relation to definition according to Theodoric: that is, whether definition must mention sensible matter, or simply express the properties of the form of sensible substances. In connection with this, we will deal with the problem of the unity of definition concerning its parts, and its foundation. Finally, we will analyze the issue of the relationship between matter and «gender» in the definition, seeking to determine whether gender signifies matter, the compound of matter and form, or just form. On the other hand, since Dietrich considers himself to be, in connection with Averroes, a scrupulous interpreter of the Stagirite, we also hope to contribute to the actual debate about the meaning of Aristotle’s philosophy.

Author Biography

Fernanda Ocampo, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Fernanda Ocampo es Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de la Sorbona (París IV), becaria posdoctoral del CONICET, y auxiliar de primera categoría en las cátedras «Historia de la Filosofía Medieval» en la Universidad de Buenos Aires e «Historia de la Filosofía Medieval y del Renacimiento» en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario



How to Cite

Ocampo, F. (2019). Theodoric of Freiberg’s conception of definitio regarding realities of first intention, and its Aristotelian-Averroistic inspiration. Scripta Mediaevalia, 11(2), 103–137. Retrieved from


