Ethical-political argumentation Considerations on Chapter 3, Book I of Averroes’s Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics and its connection with his philosophical anthology


  • Eugenio Martín De Palma Universidad Católica de Santa Fe


Ethics, argumentation, young people as disciples, Islam, philosophical anthology


The traces left by the Greek ethical-political philosophy and, in particular, by the Nicomachean Ethics in the Arab world have been reflected in many of its studies and its thinkers. For this reason, some considerations about this science’s mode of argumentation in the context of the analysis of Averroes’ analysis Middle Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics I. 3 and its connection with its philosophical anthology will allow us to considerer that the link between ethics and politics are two aspects of the same reality, concerning man in his individual and social dimensions. Both are inseparable from Islamic society at that time, which began in the natural connection between religion and community, for Muḥammad was entrusted by God to institute "the best community that has arisen for men." (Quran 3.110).

Author Biography

Eugenio Martín De Palma , Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Docente Titular de Filosofía en la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe, Profesor y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad del Salvador y las Facultades de Filosofía y Teología de San Miguel, Magister en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina y Doctorando en Humanidades mención Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional del Litoral.



How to Cite

De Palma , E. M. . (2019). Ethical-political argumentation Considerations on Chapter 3, Book I of Averroes’s Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics and its connection with his philosophical anthology. Scripta Mediaevalia, 12(1), 91–132. Retrieved from


