The Transformations of the Aristotelian Doctrine of the Intellect

Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Arab-Islamic Philosophers


  • Luis Xavier López-Farjeat Universidad Panamericana



Aristotle, De anima, Alexander of Aphrodisias, doctrines of the intellect


This paper explains, firstly, the way in which Alexander of Aphrodisias interpreted the Aristotelian doctrine of the intellect in two of his most relevant treatises in this regard, namely the De Intellectu and the De anima. Secondly, it explores the presence of late antique commentators in the treatises on the intellect by al-Kindī and, mainly, by al-Fārābī, the first two philosophers to formulate doctrines of the intellect within the Arab-Islamic context. Thirdly, it shows the way in which al-Fārābī interprets the Aristotelian doctrine of the intellect influenced by Alexander of Aphrodisias. Finally, as a conclusion, it discusses the interpretative challenges of al-Fārābī’s doctrine of the intellect, while briefly referring to Avempace’s defense of the Farabian conception of the intellect.

Author Biography

Luis Xavier López-Farjeat, Universidad Panamericana

Luis Xavier López-Farjeat es Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra y Profesor-investigador titular D en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Panamericana, Ciudad de México (México).


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How to Cite

López-Farjeat, L. X. (2022). The Transformations of the Aristotelian Doctrine of the Intellect: Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Arab-Islamic Philosophers. Scripta Mediaevalia, 15(1), 31–64.


