In press

Articles in press are peer-reviewed and accepted articles that will be published in Scripta Mediaevalia. When the final article is assigned to the volumes/issues of the journal, the in-press version will be removed and the final version will appear in the corresponding published volumes/issues. Please note that although articles in press do not yet have full bibliographic details, they can already be cited as an online publication as follows: Author(s), title of article, Publication (year), link to online article.

There may be small formal differences between the edited version of the article and the press version, such as information on the number and volume of publication or the final layout.

On line: 11-12-2023

Thomas the Preacher: the authentic and unknown. The homiletic legacy of Aquinas

Juan Ignacio Fernández Ruiz

On line: 30-10-2023

Una recepción heterodoxa de Tomás de Aquino de la teoría del alma aristotélica

Jorge Martínez

On line: 15/09/2023


Lectura, plegaria y cor meum en san Agustín: las repuestas a “quién soy” como camino hacia Dios

Claudio César Calabrese y Ethel Beatriz Junco

‘Mándote que lo digas’: tramas discursivas en el Milagro III de Berceo

Daniel Gustavo Gutiérrez

La abstracción científica en Tomás de Aquino: un contrapunto entre la epistemología tomista y los textos

Emiliano Javier Cuccia

El Asinus de Giovanni Pontano: un autoelogio paródico

Mariano Vilar

Tentandi erant a spiritibus malignis: el comentario a los capítulos disciplinarios de la Regla franciscana de fray Angelo Clareno

María Paula Castillo