Evaluation, selection and publication

Evaluation, selection and publication

The contributions are considered under a double-blind peer review, specialized on each subject, who will dictate their resolution discreetly, about the scientific quality of the writing. Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. In case there is one dictation positive and other negative, a third judge will be consulted. The referees can be external (national or foreigners) or belong to the Scripta Mediaevalia’s Scientific Commitee or Editorial Committee. In any case, specialists on the evaluated topic will be given priority. The referees will dictaminate about the scientific quality of the work in the term of two months maximum, by writing and discreetly.

The authors will be notified about the decision and will be told to change something if necessary, in the term of three months. In case of being declined, the author will receive a note with the reasons specified by the arbitrors.

Scripta Mediaevalia will attend the author’s claims. In case of being important modifications, the Editorial Committee will determinate if the introduced by the author are enough for its publication.