Design and implementation of an ad hoc model for the evaluation of the production of oral texts in english
learning assessment, production of oral texts, pedagogical management, curriculum, foreign language, primary and bilingual educationAbstract
This paper reports on an experience in the design and implementation of an ad hoc model of evaluation of the production of oral texts in English as a foreign language. The experience was part of an integral project of quality and pedagogical management evaluation requested by a private school in the province of Buenos Aires. This article, although mainly descriptive, aims at formalizing the experience in academic terms and offering some reflections on the usefulness and feasibility of the model and the instruments used. The methodology involves the definition of constructs, domains and sub-domains, performance criterion-reference indicators, definition of the sample, design of instruments which consisted in problem-solving tasks, register with digital means, and cross reference analysis. Although some findings about the students’ performance are presented here, the true results consist in the positive assessment achieved by the professionals responsible for the model, and shared here with the academic community. New implementations of the model, duly documented with that purpose, should contribute to higher degrees of internal validity.
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