Effect of socio-environmental variables on kindergarteners’ phonological awareness skills


  • Yanina Canales Jara Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


Socio-environmental variables, Phonological awareness, Urban and urban marginal gardens


Studies that analyze the linguistic differences related to the literacy process in schoolchildren from different socio-economic levels, suggest that they are related to the literacy level of the family and social environment in which children grow up (Borzone et al. 2005). The objectives of the work are: to investigate if there are linguistic differences in phonological awareness skills such as: identification of rhyme and initial phoneme, segmentation of syllables in words and integration of sounds, in children of Initial Level of the province of Mendoza, of urban public gardens (U) and urban marginal gardens (UM), and determine if the origin of these differences are due to the socio-environmental variables, educational level (NE) and socioeconomic level (SES) of the household. During the school year (2016), 170 schoolchildren aged 4 and 5, of both sexes, from U (n = 83) and UM (n = 87) kindergartens were evaluated. The NE of the parents was calculated according to data from the school records and the SES according to data from INDEC 2008. The ANOVA showed, on the one hand, a significant effect of age on the phonological awareness skills evaluated, the 5-year-old children having a response level higher than 4-year-olds. And on the other hand, for both socio-environmental variables a significant effect of the area of origin was observed: the NE of children who attend U Gardens was higher than that of children who attend UM gardens; in addition, the SES of children from U gardens was higher than that of children from UM gardens.


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How to Cite

Canales Jara, Y. (2021). Effect of socio-environmental variables on kindergarteners’ phonological awareness skills. Anales De Lingüística, (6), 189–216. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/analeslinguistica/article/view/5178