Parental conceptions on family literacy


  • Elisabeth María Gonzáles Instituto de Lectura y Escritura – Facultad de Educación Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Implicit conceptions, Educational psychology, Early literacy, Family literacy


This article aims to analyze the interviews of the parents of the Initial level as part of the Master's thesis in reading and writing of the Faculty of Education (FED) of the National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo) "The Conceptions of Initial Level parents in the Literacy Process" (González 2019). This study has as reference the psychoeducational researches developed in Spain and Argentina about the implicit conceptions (Pozo, Schauer, Perez Echevería, Mateos, Martín & Cruz 2006) and deepens the study of social representations focused on the learning and teaching of written language. A problem that underlies all the research is the question of social inequality and its multiple links to schooling and teaching work. In this sense, and due to its relation with massive school failure, it has become one of the biggest concerns in the field of educational research in recent decades (Lus 2006). The family is the first educational nucleus because in its environment mediate a learning that is intimately linked to contextual, procedural and pragmatic aspects that favor the development of its members by referring to a natural group of people united by emotional and kinship ties who are together for a long time (Delucía 2014). The methodology of this work was descriptive and comparative and inquired about early literacy at home to mediate the importance of the role of the family in these first approaches that the child has with the written language. A series of workshops for parents, grandparents and caregivers were implemented, from 2014 to 2018, in institutions of the department of Guaymallén in the city of Mendoza. One of the results that stand out from this research is that it is demonstrated that one of the great challenges of working with the implicit concepts is to get to elaborate spaces to be able to visualize this framework of beliefs and discover the dynamics and processes of representational change. The analysis of the interviews, which are one of the instruments used in the research work, highlights the importance of the interactions that take place in the school environment between teachers and parents, in order to be able to make explicit, discuss, negotiate and even modify these representations which, due to their procedural and implicit nature, are difficult to recognize.


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How to Cite

Gonzáles, E. M. (2021). Parental conceptions on family literacy. Anales De Lingüística, (6), pp. 217–240. Retrieved from